Thc Cbd Cannabis Varieties Guide:
Ever wondered what exactly give you that giggling feeling when you inhale some of your favorite buds? Why does some bud make you tired while others make the munchies come on stronger than anything? Why are some strains better medicine while others are great for the party? THC and CBD as we typically know them are just the beginning of understanding what exactly is reacting in our brains and bodies to give us the amazing effects that marijuana has. This is where our Thc Cbd Cannabis Varieties Guide comes in.
Thc and Cbd
THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is the main causer of the head-high effects we feel. THC travels through the blood stream into the endocannabinoid system where it interacts with your nervous system and brain. CBD or Cannabidiol is the non-psychoactive chemical, most found in the Hemp plant. CBD is most used to reduce inflammation and anxiety, amongst other things. These cannabinoids work in our systems alone, but better together. The best feelings come in when you introduce the other cannabinoids into the mix, so let us get to know just a few of them.
The Endocannabiniod System
Before we can understand the different types of cannabinoids, we must first understand the endocannabinoid system. Every mammal has one, simply meaning, our bodies are meant to use and work with cannabis. The system can be broken down into two easy sections CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors mostly live in our brain, they are responsible for appetite, motor activity, pain perception, and thinking. CB2 receptors are more found in our organs, and they work with our bones, cardiovascular system, eyes, gut, and immune system. CB2 receptors also work with our kidneys and liver, as well as the reproductive system in both genders. CB2 receptors work with our bodies in ways that science is only starting to understand. You can find more information by taking this link to Harvard or by following this link to Journal Of Young Investigations or by reading the rest of our Thc Cbd Cannabis Varieties Guide.
Delta-8 THC
Delta-8 THC is a milder version of the better-known Delta-9 THC. Delta-8 is derived mostly from the hemp plant and is found on the market in edible form most often. According to Science Alert it can be eaten or vaped, and people who consume it say it helps with pain relief and relaxation; without the intensity that often leads to paranoia. Delta-8 has been studied for a while; in 1995 scientists found that delta-8 had been a therapeutic treatment for the negative side effects of chemo and other cancer treatments. People who use delta-8 reported to Science Alert that they felt it helped them with anxiety, depression, and stress disorders. While some did report little to no psychoactive effects, some did report that it gave them low levels of euphoria.
Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, is the pre-carboxylated form of THC. Alone, it has no psychoactive benefits but has plenty of medicinal ones. THCA has been shown to provide happy and uplifting effects for those with depression issues. Leafly offers a deeper look into the benefits of THCA, noting that it has anti-proliferative properties. More so, THCA has been shown to also help those with attention disorders focus better, although this is in the early stages of trials. When THCA is decarboxylated, the A drops off and it turns into THC, which is the psychoactive cannabinoid.
THCA comes in a crystal-like form, most called “diamonds” and can be used in a variety of ways. Putting THCA diamonds into a cold beverage would allow the cannabinoid to be consumed without decarboxylation, allowing for the full medicinal benefits of THCA. However, placed into a hot tea or coffee, the THCA will become THC, and the most potent effects will be that of the THC and not the THCA. The best way to consume THCA is through tincture or diamonds but be warned that if either are added to something hot, it will no longer be THCA.
Tetrahydrocannabivarin, is a psychoactive form of THC, however it has so many more benefits than the most common THC. THCV is best known for its anti-nausea, anti-inflammatory, anti-psychotic and best of all is known to promote the health of your bones. THCV is also known to help curb the appetite and provide energizing effects. THCV has also been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels in those with Hypoglycemia or Type 2 Diabetes. Much like THCA, THCV is wonderful for helping to aid in focus, and is jokingly called “weederall” or “diet weed” due to these benefits. THCV works best in combination with THC and CBG. Strains like Durban Poison and Jack the Ripper have been shown to have normally high levels of THCV. More information about THCV can be found at Healthline or Leafly’s Cannabis 101 page.
Cannabigerol is a highly medicinal form of CBD. CBG has been shown to ease the pain associated with nausea and inflammation. CBG has also been shown to help fight the proliferation of cancer cells, which causes them to destroy themselves. CBG is most used to assist cancer patients with daily tasks and recent studies are showing that it could be more beneficial than CBD alone. One could also expect an increase to appetite with CBG as the inflammation and nausea would be drastically reduced. However, when used in combination with THCV, patients would experience a massive decrease to pain and discomfort associated with nausea and inflammation. In more recent studies, CBG has been found to ease the symptoms of PMS and anxiety faster and better than CBD alone. Cresco has a fantastic look into the wonders of CBG. Cannabigerol can be found most heavily in strains like Jack Frost and White Widow.
It is the end of a long day, falling asleep comes easy enough, but something keeps you from staying asleep. CBN is the cannabinoid that is responsible for keeping you asleep but has not been proven to help someone fall asleep. CBN is the by-product of the degradation of THC. As THC ages, it becomes CBN, and can make even the most potent sativa to a bedtime smoke. Cannabinol helps the brain stay in REM sleep, which is the most reparative sleep for the brain and nervous system. Cannabinol alone however does not make one tired or sleepy and should be combined with other cannabinoids and terpenes for a sleeping effect. CBN by itself works wonderfully as a muscle relaxer and has been shown to help aid in bone growth and healing. Platinum Kush, Animal Cookies, and Tahoe OG are all naturally high in CBN. ScienceDirect goes further in depth into the benefits of CBN; or you can use this link to Forbes to read more about it as well.
Cannabichromene, is one of the “big six” predominate in medical research according to Leafly. CBC had been seen as a potential to help fight cancer in a recent study found in the MDPI Open Access Journals. CBC has also been shown to block pain receptors, reduce inflammation, and fighting oxidative stress levels in the brain. Oxidative stress can lead to neurological diseases and brain pathologies. Furthermore, this cannabinoid can be used to also treat acne and provide some relief to psoriasis.
There are over 150 known cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Each one works with the bodies endocannabinoid system and provides amazing effects. When combined with the natural terpenes of the plants, the medicinal and recreational benefits of marijuana can be reached. Next time you reach for your favorite buds, look at the cannabinoids profile to see what affects you may be getting from your smoke.
We hope you enjoyed our Thc Cbd Cannabis Varieties Guide! Check back next week for our New blog release!